Application for PAME meeting financial assistance - The Danny Did Foundation

PAME Travel Assistance Application

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The 2024 Partners Against Mortality in Epilepsy (PAME) meeting will be held Thursday, December 5, 2024 in Los Angeles . The participation of parents, caregivers, persons with epilepsy, and healthcare professionals is a vital component to this meeting. A special session for bereaved families and advocates is scheduled for Wednesday, December 4th, in the afternoon. And a short welcome reception for all conference attendees will be held on Wednesday evening.

For full details on this meeting: 


APPLICATION DETAILS: If you would like to attend PAME and you require financial assistance with travel costs, please complete this application to be considered for a reimbursement grant of up to $1,500. PLEASE NOTE: This is an adult meeting and childcare is not available. By completing this application, you will be considered for a travel reimbursement grant. Grants will be awarded up to $1,500 to help cover travel related expenses, including your PAME conference registration fee. Examples of reimbursable expenses include airfare, hotel, car rental or uber/taxi, and gas. In order for expenses to be reimbursed, they must be substantiated. All submitted receipts must be related to your PAME travel and must be dated. PLEASE NOTE: You will make all of your own travel arrangements. Food expenses are not reimbursable. Funding will not be disbursed by the Danny Did Foundation until receipts are provided after the conference. For reimbursement, all labeled receipts must be provided to Mary Duffy by December 15, 2024 using an expense report that will be sent to you. DEADLINE TO APPLY FOR DANNY DID FUNDING: November 4, 2024 or until we reach our maximum. INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete this application. We will fill grant requests as they are received, so please do not delay. Those selected will be contacted by email and will be required to sign an agreement.

Have you attended PAME in the past?(Required)
If yes, did you receive help from DDF or another nonprofit for that trip?(Required)
Have you received funds from Danny Did before?(Required)
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