Wednesday, December 4, 2024 – Thursday, December 5, 2024
02:00 PM – 08:00 PM
LOCATION: The Sheraton Grand Los Angeles
711 South Hope Street in Los Angeles, CA 90017
DETAILS: Partners Against Mortality in Epilepsy (PAME) is a powerful, growing collaboration among health care providers, clinical researchers, basic scientists, public health officials, patient advocates, caregivers, bereaved families, and people living with epilepsy. This range of stakeholders come together with a common goal of improving our understanding of and working to prevent epilepsy-related forms of mortality, including suicide, accidents, and status epilepticus and with a strong focus on Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP).
A special session for bereaved families and advocates is scheduled for Wednesday, December 4th, from 2:30 – 5:30 pm. A welcome reception for all conference attendees follows from 6:30-8pm. On December 5th, PAME will host a full day meeting that is open to parents and caretakers, adult patients, bereaved family members, advocates, medical professionals, public health agencies and industry leaders. This PAME event will be held in conjunction with the American Epilepsy Society Meeting in Los Angeles.
PAME AGENDA: Click here to view
REGISTRATION: Registration to attend PAME in person is $200 for professionals, and $100 for trainees, advocates and family members.
- If you are registering for the AES Annual Meeting, you can register for PAME at the same time.
- If you plan to attend the PAME meeting only in person, email [email protected] for instructions.
See the full event details HERE.
MEMORY WALL: Have you lost a loved one to SUDEP or another epilepsy-related cause? Consider submitting their picture and a short memory for the PAME Memory Wall that will be displayed at the PAME conference in December. The shared pictures and memories will serve as a collective remembrance and a visual way to call for increased urgency in our work. Submit a picture and a memory by November 18th. Please email any questions to [email protected].
TRAVEL GRANTS: Parents and caregivers, adults with epilepsy or medical professionals who would like to attend the in person meeting but face financial barriers, Danny Did is accepting applications for up to $1,500 in travel support. Fill out a grant application here.
PARTNERS: The PAME effort is convened by the American Epilepsy Society. In addition to AES, Major contributing organizations include the Epilepsy Foundation of America and CURE: Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy and the Danny Did Foundation.

2024 PAME Conference Executive Committee
Elizabeth J. Donner, MD, MSc, FRCPC
PAME Conference Co-Chair
Assoc Professor, Univ of Toronto Faculty of Medicine
Pediatric Neurologist, Hospital for Sick Children
George B. Richerson, MD, PhD
PAME Conference Co-Chair
Head, Department of Neurology
Carver College of Medicine, University of Iowa
Tom Stanton
PAME Conference Co-Chair
President, Danny Did Foundation
Gardiner Lapham, RN, MPH
PAME, Executive Director
Family advocate
BAND Foundation Trustee
Jeffrey Buchhalter MD, PhD, FAAN, FAES
Epilepsy Learning Healthcare System
Pediatric Epilepsy Learning Healthcare System