Advancing Awareness of Epilepsy & SUDEP - The Danny Did Foundation
WebMD Interview
WebMD Ignite Interview post Image (1)
SUDEP and Danny Did Featured in WebMD Interview

stories of impact
Harper 2024
Stories of Impact

Danny continues to have an impact on this world long past his last breath.

About Us
Danny and Siblings
Knowledge is the Antidote for Fear

We strive to enhance Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) education and disclosure between medical professionals and families afflicted by seizures.

1 in 26
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1 in 26 Americans Develop Epilepsy.

We Pledge to Help and You Can Too.

Meet Danny
Please Go Enjoy Your Life.

Danny Did

Who We Are

Founded by Chicagoans Mike and Mariann Stanton after the Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) of their son Danny just before his fifth birthday. We are dedicated in our mission to prevent deaths caused by seizures. The foundation is named after the last line of Danny's obituary, written by his dad:

Please go and enjoy your life. Danny did.

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Danny’s example to all of us was that Danny Did take his time in life, Danny Did engage others in his life, and Danny Did enjoy his life. Danny Did, and we can –and will– through time, people, and passion succeed in our mission to prevent deaths caused by seizures.

Danny Did Device Program

Because of the Danny Did Grant Program, we have been able to help many families who need cost reduction of seizure detection and seizure prediction devices - as well as other technologies - that are designed to enable intervention by a caregiver.
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Our Mission

To advance public awareness of epilepsy and the risk of Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP), to protect people with epilepsy, and to prevent deaths caused by seizures.

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Our Vision

We want a reality in which healthcare providers proactively communicate about the risk of SUDEP and other forms of mortality associated with epilepsy. We need to elevate awareness of, and access to, technologies that enable early intervention and added safety.

Our Commitment

Danny Did is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion in the way that we operate, and in the families and communities that we serve.

Stories of Impact

Danny continues to have an impact on this world long past his last breath. We have received emails and letters from people around the world who have been affected by epilepsy and SUDEP.
mother daughter thank you photo
Hogan Family, Halifax, PA

Words cannot express our gratitude for the grant you’ve given us for a seizure monitor for our 2-year-old son. We appreciate your work, kindness, and dedication to other parents and children dealing with epilepsy. I’ve already had a discussion with our neurologist and nurse practitioner about the amazing work your foundation is doing and how seizure monitors can get kids back in their own beds safely. You have helped us feel less alone and the Emfit monitor will bring our entire family peace. Thank you for making such a huge impact for us and other families. I will be looking forward to finding ways to get involved with your cause. Please know how grateful we are. READ MORE

Hogan Family, Halifax, PA

Words cannot express our gratitude for the grant you’ve given us for a seizure monitor for our 2-year-old son. We appreciate your work, kindness, and dedication to other parents and children dealing with epilepsy. I’ve already had a discussion with our neurologist and nurse practitioner about the amazing work your foundation is doing and how seizure monitors can get kids back in their own beds safely. You have helped us feel less alone and the Emfit monitor will bring our entire family peace. Thank you for making such a huge impact for us and other families. I will be looking forward to finding ways to get involved with your cause. Please know how grateful we are. READ MORE

Hogan Family, Halifax, PA

Words cannot express our gratitude for the grant you’ve given us for a seizure monitor for our 2-year-old son. We appreciate your work, kindness, and dedication to other parents and children dealing with epilepsy. I’ve already had a discussion with our neurologist and nurse practitioner about the amazing work your foundation is doing and how seizure monitors can get kids back in their own beds safely. You have helped us feel less alone and the Emfit monitor will bring our entire family peace. Thank you for making such a huge impact for us and other families. I will be looking forward to finding ways to get involved with your cause. Please know how grateful we are. READ MORE

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Make a Difference

Your giving support makes a huge impact for the 1 in 26 Americans who will develop epilepsy over their lifetime. Your tax deductible contribution supports our mission to protect people who face epilepsy. Every size gift enables us to advance epilepsy and SUDEP awareness, educate youth about seizure safety, further public policies that positively impact people with epilepsy, and most all of, to support families with practical resources that protect their loved ones.
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DePaul Prep ‘Dollar Dress Down’ benefits Danny Did Foundation

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