Join us November 9th for an evening of small plates, cocktails, and live music against the backdrop of Lake Michigan and the Chicago skyline. The room will be filled with friendship, charity, and a shared mission to support individuals living with epilepsy.
If you are unable to attend the event, you can still take part by clicking below to bid on auction items, purchase raffle tickets, or make a donation.
Our runners from across North America are training and fundraising to advance awareness of epilepsy and Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP). We are proud to have this team as our largest ever in the Chicago Marathon.
Parents, caregivers, adults with epilepsy, and healthcare professionals seeking to attend the 2024 PAME meeting in Los Angeles can apply for travel reimbursement grants for up to $1,500
John McShea was interviewed on Fox Chicago about his new book, "Old Bones, Young Spirit".
Who We Are
Please go and enjoy your life. Danny did.
Danny Did Device Program
Our Mission
To advance public awareness of epilepsy and the risk of Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP), to protect people with epilepsy, and to prevent deaths caused by seizures.
Our Vision
We want a reality in which healthcare providers proactively communicate about the risk of SUDEP and other forms of mortality associated with epilepsy. We need to elevate awareness of, and access to, technologies that enable early intervention and added safety.
Our Commitment
Danny Did is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion in the way that we operate, and in the families and communities that we serve.
Stories of Impact
Words cannot express our gratitude for the grant you’ve given us for a seizure monitor for our 2-year-old son. We appreciate your work, kindness, and dedication to other parents and children dealing with epilepsy. I’ve already had a discussion with our neurologist and nurse practitioner about the amazing work your foundation is doing and how seizure monitors can get kids back in their own beds safely. You have helped us feel less alone and the Emfit monitor will bring our entire family peace. Thank you for making such a huge impact for us and other families. I will be looking forward to finding ways to get involved with your cause. Please know how grateful we are. READ MORE
Words cannot express our gratitude for the grant you’ve given us for a seizure monitor for our 2-year-old son. We appreciate your work, kindness, and dedication to other parents and children dealing with epilepsy. I’ve already had a discussion with our neurologist and nurse practitioner about the amazing work your foundation is doing and how seizure monitors can get kids back in their own beds safely. You have helped us feel less alone and the Emfit monitor will bring our entire family peace. Thank you for making such a huge impact for us and other families. I will be looking forward to finding ways to get involved with your cause. Please know how grateful we are. READ MORE
Words cannot express our gratitude for the grant you’ve given us for a seizure monitor for our 2-year-old son. We appreciate your work, kindness, and dedication to other parents and children dealing with epilepsy. I’ve already had a discussion with our neurologist and nurse practitioner about the amazing work your foundation is doing and how seizure monitors can get kids back in their own beds safely. You have helped us feel less alone and the Emfit monitor will bring our entire family peace. Thank you for making such a huge impact for us and other families. I will be looking forward to finding ways to get involved with your cause. Please know how grateful we are. READ MORE